Loading Screens: Animated Designs for Game Interfaces

These original video game loading screen designs and animations were built with a mix of Final Cut Pro, Blender, and Eevee software for unique interfaces.

The sound effect can be found here and was added in Final Cut Pro.

The rest, including text, was done in Blender and rendered using Eevee.

Originally, I had Nimbus-colored clouds in the background that were made in Inkscape, but they were overly-simple and seemed to clash with the radar, so they were cut.

This was done for a contest, this time video game-themed, similar to the Pumpkin and Harley models.

Afterwards, I made a lightsaber version. 

That sound can be found here. And the lightsaber was made following a 

Flipped Normals Tutorial a couple years ago. Because I saved the lightsaber, I just put this on my personal channel.